The act of believing an apparent information leak that turned out to be fake.
"Yo, did you see those people insisting that Isaac and Geno were in Smash based on a blurry picture? They sure got grinched, man!"
by The DanMan051 November 1, 2018
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I wouldn't touch him with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole.
You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch.
by Pialinist December 19, 2020
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A Species of Who that is Covered in Green Fur, Only One Member is Known, This Species doesn't Celebrate any Holidays
Holy Shit, I encountered a Grinch when I went on Vacation in Whoville
by Whackcoon December 1, 2022
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(v.) - to dump someone on christmas eve, or steal someone's christmas
by Demosthenes111 June 17, 2011
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1) Man, light up that grinch. I wanna get stoned.
2) Lets go smoke some grinch.
3) Man i'm high off grinch. You gotta get some of this.
4) I got some killa grinch. You want some?
by exrev December 10, 2010
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A form of terrorism in which a person steals presents from beneath their neighbor's Christmas tree in order to strike fear and death into the hearts of us Capitlists by restricting our material possessons.
American: "No, don't go grinching, I'll die without that 5,000 dollar TV"

Grinch" "I don't care!"
by Logaliciousness December 25, 2011
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