The only club worth giving a shit about.. All bow to FINKS
I Fink you should not mess with the Finks
by King1982 January 10, 2019
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Synonymous to 'fuck'
"You wish you could fink a girl."

"Getting a girl to be down to fink is pretty damn hard."

"Fink you, man. You stole my last 6 dollars from the cabin for goldbond."
by pqki February 2, 2012
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a tall thin dark-featured, shifty-eyed person with a big nose who won't look at you
He seemed like a fink or a spy.
by Joe August 19, 2003
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1. A prepubescent teenager that always thinks about sex. 2. A boy that doesn't understand the word "beauty"
Why is Matt such a Fink? The girl isn't even that pretty!
by ethan1g July 19, 2010
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A term for someone who does not understand what a schooner is. (It's a sailboat, by the way - there! You aren't a fink!)
An idiot who didn't read the above definition.
by Jackie-Boy June 23, 2005
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