Like though but pronounced doe in a relaxed fashion
Why doe
Oi Doe
yeh doe there was this girl doe and omg doe she was hot doe!
by Peter van Aalst May 24, 2008
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Dick Over Everything. When men are a girl's main priority, whether that be for the night or in life.

When a girl chooses a guy over her friends or is super thirsty she is DOE or a DOE.

Can be used as noun or adjective.
Friend- "Macy said she couldn't come out for my birthday because her boyfriend wanted to hangout."
Me -"Ug she is so DOE"

Friend- "We barely saw you last night, you made out with 3 guys."
Me- " Oh no I'm sorry I was a DOE last night!!"
by Kaive July 17, 2014
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sorry man, i cant chill with you tonight, i gotta hang out with my doe.
by daniellelupo July 28, 2006
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When your dicking down the girl so long and so hard your heart stops when you blow your load.
Man I was plowing down that girl next door for a hour and almost had a DOE I was slaying her so hard.
by balla1337 May 29, 2016
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A bisexual woman who typically dresses in a feminine manner. It's the bisexual women community's answer to the lesbian community's "femme."
I'm dating the cutest doe.
We are a stag/doe couple.
by BiStag October 12, 2017
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1. A southern female
2. A female deer
3. A desirable girl
1. Look at the ass on that doe
2. Kill any does lately

3. Yeah I fucked that doe
by Spicy_bob January 25, 2019
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