(v.) A reference to a temporary reversion to some bachelor-like tendencies by a married heterosexual male while he or his spouse and children are out of town. Not viewed as a license for infidelity, but rather such behavior as drinking beer in his underwear inside a home or temporary residence.
Joe will batch it while Mary and the kids are at Grandma's.
by PSlim June 14, 2006
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Yo let's go chill with some batches" "She's a batch!
by don'tactlikeudon'tkno April 4, 2011
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The combination of "bitch" and "bastard."
"Oh my God, Starla, he is SUCH a batch."
by Claire Fran December 28, 2005
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A tall, emotional, magesticly beutiful but yet fragile young man who can easily make your ginies tingle with wetness and is also way to easy to spot in any crowd
shane steinbatch!
i saw the batch today and my ginies got wet
by sire.steinbatch July 3, 2010
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Another form of saying bitch.
Stop being sucha fucking batch.

I think Becky is on her period, she's acting like a batch today.
by Ganjabatch420 February 10, 2010
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Something that has been produced on a mass scale, and therefore loses any coolness it might have had, basically somethin that is totally shit.
His car is proper batch
by micky finn March 5, 2007
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