When after the guy cums in the girls mouth she kicks him in the shin and spits the cum into his eye.
jen caught jim off gaurd when she gave him a reverse angry pirate because he gave her an angry pirate last night.
by xXxgeoxXx October 31, 2006
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1. A man eating SHRUB commonly found in YOUR BACK YARD.

2. When you are getting a blow job... and you cum in her eye and kick her in the SHIN

Definitions 1 + 2

-Son: DAD! Look at that ANGRY PIRATE. i think it's coming for you!!!!


Definition 3.

-team 3:Blown'd
by Kixk toppa hata in your balls January 21, 2008
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When two individual of opposite sexes are engaging in intercourse and the male proceeds to punch the girl in one eye, kick her in the knee and then call her a dirty slut with rotten herpes. The female will walk and talk like and angry pirate with her eye covered and limping.
Some sorostitute was talking to me during sex about some stupid shit so I did made her an Angry Pirate
by James R. Pennington III September 8, 2004
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The Angry Pirate Dragon is A cross Between the Angry Pirate and Angry Dragon.

When a male is recieving oral sex from his partner and is about to cum he forces her mouth as far down on his cock as possible thus making his sperm exit through her nose halfway through his ejaculation he pulls out and puts it in her eye and as she stands he kicks her in the shin. As she gets up her face looks like an angry dragon as she hops on one leg saying "ARRR".
" Mitchel decided at the last minute to turn the angry dragon into the angry pirate dragon. His Girlfriend was pissed"
by Jazzybabe March 26, 2008
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after a man angry pirate a woman, she cleans up, goes back into the room and kicks the man's ass hard.
sweetie, this is how you get angry pirate kickback ...
by blackpudding July 3, 2013
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When you plop your nutsack in someone's eye, and they grunt in disapproval. Thinking, "Fuck you bitch!" you kick them in the shin. As they are extremely pissed, limping and wearing an eyepatch, you laugh your ass right off.
I am so mad at him right now, I'd love to angry pirate him!
by Cummy worm November 10, 2010
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Its a variation of the Angry Pirate. Except with the Angry Pirate of Penzance, instead of a guy doing it to a girl, its a guy doing it to another guy. Caution with this one. Since you are doing it to another guy instead of a girl, make sure you can kick his ass in case he gets angry that you came in his eye and kicked him in the shin. This may cause him to go sex nuts and retard strong and give you a Doug Henning in return.
I'm not gay, but I gave Bias an Angry Pirate of Penzance last night. I did not think he was gay until I saw that he enjoyed it.
by assclown69 June 12, 2008
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