Quitting an online game of Madden right after taking a knee when you are about to win, giving yourself the loss. Send your worthy opponent and kind message of "Tebowing"
I was winning 28-17 vs this guy online with ten seconds left, so I did the proper thing and took a knee and quit. I lost, but he knew I was Tebowing.
by dcpetterson November 20, 2011
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To be soundly defeated by a superior opponent; to be humiliated during a sporting event
Did you see how the Raiders got tebowed on Sunday?
by Merlin235 September 21, 2011
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To be beaten in fotball on the first play in overtime. Derived from Tim Tebow and the Broncos' victory over the Steelers in said fashion
Wow, the Steelers just got Tebowed!
by ifmod January 10, 2012
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(gerund) The act of going down on one knee in order to suck God's cock.
Timmy explained, "I'm not praying. In the Gospels, Mark 5:6 clearly says not to pray in public. I'm actually Tebowing. It makes me feel warm inside."
by GreatWhitePope January 18, 2012
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Assuming Tim Tebow's post-touchdown prayer posture in order to mock the patriarchal system of (a) male resource control, (b) male competition to the point of war and killing to obtain resources rather than being productive (football being a game symbolizing this - and actually representing this in player salaries), (c) male narcissism and pseudo-omnipotence and control represented by a male deity (i.e "God") and (d) female submission and dissociation (except in the home where mother authoritarianism sometimes occurs).
He wanted to have a modern marriage where he would be paid fairly, have a healthy connection with his wife (including a good sex life with her), and have the time to be a good dad to his children so he did some Tebowing to mock the patriarchal system (and those who are tools in it, like Tim Tebow) and show his objection to it.
by Denverite2 December 27, 2011
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Verb: to get Jimmered; the act of unexpectedly getting worked by your opponent.
Did you see that! The Broncos just Tebowed the Steelers! Just like when Tebow Jimmered all those other teams.
by tyscat January 9, 2012
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