"Take pics". It is a command used when one person finds a situation particularly interesting and demands that pictures be taken for the internet.
"I am so drunk right now at this party"

"I just got arrested"

"My family is completely drunk at the wedding and my grandfather just sung a Broadway show tune to the bride and groom"
by Cat Baker May 4, 2009
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“I just gotta TP” ( think positive )🤔
by Unique.Kaii January 21, 2018
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A brotherhood of the best section in a choir, they enforce their presence on other sections by viscerally screaming TP at each other when contact is made. They are known to have sacred traditions, such as singing in the library bathrooms and Subway Monday. Otherwise known as Tenor Pride.
ALTO: "Hey gu-"
by MaterWelon December 2, 2018
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A Norwegian term short for "Tar da på sikt", wich means that you don't know if you wanna do/join whatever the other person are talking about.


Often used when you dont wanna do something, but don't want so say no. A kind of excuse.
Dennis: " Should we meet later?"

Jonas: " I think I have to work, im not sure, tps."

Kokjen: " Wanna go with me to church today?"

Pavoboy: " Ehhhh... tps"
by Sut3kh June 27, 2009
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A short term used for Town Portal in diablo 2
by Shadow_Lord July 24, 2003
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TP when used on most forums usually stands for "Top Poster" Top posters are anyone that has been on the forums for a long time, and have nothing better to do with their life. They sit around all day posting new mindless threads, acting like they are all good friends with other TP's just to become more popular. If anyone else posts on their threads, they do nothing, but talk shit on them, with out even caring what they've said. TP's only like TP's, and nobody else. They then sit at home and do nothing, but worry about stupid HS shit, and waste their life by trying to see who is the hottest top poster, or asking what top poster has fucked what top poster. TP's are usually really big on the site www.plurlife.com
You shouldn't post on any threads the TP's are a bunch of trolls & grammer natzis!!

Hey, I post on the forums, those people are my friends.

Do you even know any of those people in real life?

No, but they totally think I'm the hottest TP on plurlife, I would fuck all of them for voting for me.
by yourfavoritetp September 19, 2010
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Finnish insult that rufly translates to "Teenage Pussy", used mostly to call 13-16 year old girls as TP's.
by Davey DDnon. May 26, 2003
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