A game when you have one finger in your ass, and one in your mouth. When someone says "Switch", you switch them as quickly as possible.
by Small orange December 23, 2016
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A word describing a girl who has the characteristics of a Slut, Whore, and a Bitch. (S)lut + (W)hore + B(itch) = SWITCH.
Dang, that girl Monique is such a Switch!
by jackmichelletyler August 14, 2007
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When hooking up with a girl, the guy leaves the room and another guy comes in and takes his place, without the girl ever noticing.
Dude did you hear about last night?
...No what?
Mike and Zac pulled th switch on Sydlo
by parkville April 8, 2005
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"There's this game my father taught me years ago called switch. The premise of the game is you take one finger, put it in your mouth,

The other one goes up your asshole. When he says go you switch!"
Hey wanna do the Switch?”
by TempestThePhoenix July 14, 2018
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A knife that requires "skill" to handle, not just any regular blade, one that flips and twist and shit. Originates from knives that people use that switch blade knives.
I grabbed that switch and stabbed him while flipping that shit
by SlimDicky August 14, 2018
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A game in which there is one leader and any number of players. When the game starts, players put one finger in their mouth and another finger in their asshole.

The leader will, at his discretion, yell “SWITCH!” At which point, the players must all switch the finger which was previously in their mouth to their asshole and vice versa.

The last player to successfully switch is out. The last player remaining is the new leader.
Hey, you guys wanna play a game of switch to see who gets the biggest piece of cake?
by The Real Renus Collector August 25, 2019
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