1. A piece of cloth hosiery for one's foot, usually constructed of cotton.
2. A term for an inverted anus that hangs from the buttocks, resulting from years of anal sex and abuse.

1. To hit forcefully; punch.
1. Before I put on my shoes, I put on my socks.
2. As a consequence of years of anal pounding, Bruce's asshole is now a droopy, withered sock

1. If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm going to sock you.
by Rew January 7, 2005
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when you wear socks so high that they're practically stockings
yo dude i got the sockings
by X-Æ-A-13 December 3, 2019
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Sock... Abbreviated term for - Some other cunt's kid.
"'Sock is being a Coat (See Coat)"
by "Big Fish August 16, 2009
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"Dude, she's a ho, you'd better use a sock."
by x January 22, 2003
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A protocol for handling TCP traffic through a proxy server. It can be used with virtually any TCP application, including Web browsers and FTP clients. It provides a simple firewall because it checks incoming and outgoing packets and hides the IP addresses of client applications.

There are two main versions of SOCKS -- V4 and V5. V5 adds an authentication mechanism for additional security. There are many freeware implementations of both versions. One of the most common V5 implementations is SOCKS5, developed by NEC.
Before I attempted to hack that server, I connected through multipe SOCKS proxies.
by Qbert July 30, 2004
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To be socked,means to be treated like a bitch,no if or buts.
Ben:that nigga looks like he needs to be socked
by iceteawithalowercasee July 6, 2013
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1. The name for a man's unmentionables (synonyms: balls, penis)
2. The things that go on your feet that you can NEVER find the match to (synonyms: foot covers, foot tubes)
I couldn't find my other blue socks.
by slangtalker October 23, 2010
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