Reagan is most commonly known as a female's name but can also be a name for a male too. If you assume A person named Reagan is a female then you are classified as a Reaganist (Some form of racism but for Reagans or Regans). Yes I am named Reagan and I take this very personally so fuck you to all the Reaganists ×_×
Guy 1- Hey look , theres that DUDE called Reagan.

Guy 2- Male or female?
Guy 1- Male dipshit, not a girl.... a fucking man.
by November 30, 2020
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a beautiful funny girl, usually blonde. spontaneous.

you want her.
shes perfect. shes my reagan.
by rawrrrrawrr July 25, 2010
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since reagans are so unique and ultracool, people always want to be one but can't. reagans are hot and BALLIN! don't mess with reagans.
A. wow look at that girl!
B. shes such a reagan.
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A male with a small erected penis of size 3 inches. Doesn't have much self pride and enjoys getting authority involved over pety events.

A man of ignorance, shame, and fear.
That kid must be a Reagan Li to call the cops.
by SMDBETCH January 10, 2012
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Not the best actor but for sure one of the USA's best presidents. He revived the economy, made Americans feel proud of their country again and helped to bring the communist Soviet Union down and thus free millions of people from dictatorship.
Also in modern use a synonym for a really awesome, cool, hot and outstanding person.
Guy A: So who's the Reagan in your school?
Guy B: It's that chick over there, you know the hot one with the miniskirt and the big boobs.
by italian_stallion! November 12, 2007
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To do everything perfectly, solve every problem, never mistake all day just like president Ronald Reagan once did.
by dj57 October 23, 2010
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