Role-play fighting. Usually done on "RP" forums or chatrooms where two characters from their own RP world, controlled by those very two people from the real world pretty much duke it out. They define who wins and how amazing the fight can be.

Of course, finding someone who can be a 'fun fight' can prove difficult at times.
Guy1: Hey, wanna RP fight?
Guy2: sure
Guy1: *Pulls out Buster Sword* Let's do this then.
Guy2: *imeditly throws 100000 lite sabrs at u an chops u in a milin peesis an casts a spel so tat u ded 4ever and can nevr cum bak frum teh ded an i win teh fite. then blws up erth so u cant breeth if by sum chenc u do cum bak wich u wont*
Guy1: ...
Guy2: ye i alwys win. tis so ez 2 pwn in. who next la?
by Chris has a big dick December 14, 2007
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spam rp is a community of people who don’t have specific face claims or models. they spam random pictures and meet other people in that community, some people in that community usually treat that account like a finsta!
person 1: “why do you have 200 posts?”
person 2: “its my spam, i can post what i want on spam rp”
by blud diaper October 3, 2020
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A forum RP is a "forum role play". it is a form of progressive story telling conducted on a forum. So each person adds their piece of the story involveing their character/characters
Host: The spaceship attacks your vessle
Person 1: Max runs to the comm systems and tires to surrended
Person 2: Julian draws his gun and shoots Max, saying "Never give up, never surrended"
by Dante March 21, 2005
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RP Nazi is MMORPG slang. It's a commonly used word for people on roleplaying servers, who fascisticly report every little violation of the roleplaying policy to the GM.
In Germany also known as RP-Stasi, following the secret political police in the former East Germany.
<RP Nazi spots Gendalf and LittleElf>
RP Nazi: Hey, Gendalf, your name is too close to the name of a LOTR-character and LittleElf is not a name! I'll report your asses to the GM.

Player A: Yeah, my new gear has 3% more crit-chance.
RP Nazi: Hey, you are not allowed to talk about game mechanics! Consider yourself reported!
by It's me again! December 29, 2005
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when something good happends, originating from RiceGum’s GTA Roleplay twitch streams.

When soemthing good happends he would say “W RP” which stands for “W roleplay
Daniel: “Bro this girl just agreed to come over

Chance: “BROO W RP”
by IceBoy March 24, 2021
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Asterisk RP: Like normal Roleplaying, but the use of asterisks at the beginning and end of the post, signifying that a post has been made.
*submits a definition to Urban Dictionary about Asterisk RP*
by Snake June 17, 2006
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