Cheifly British, slang term for Peugeot, especially small crap ones.
Yo, come check out me new Pug 106!
by coolfish265 September 7, 2006
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Pugging: The act of breathing like a pug whilst performing sex in the doggy style position.
Her eyes were almost popping out of her head when i was pugging her.
by Fuzzykiss September 3, 2019
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Code word for hot guy, to be used in front of clueless hot guy to your friend, so they can inspect said hot guy and decide for themselves whether he is indeed a pug or not.
"Becky, pug."
*looks at hot guy next to her reading a book*
Becky: "Oh, yeah. Total pug."
by Stez April 11, 2013
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A pig that goes undercover as a dog. Pugs strongly resemble swine when you consider their smashed in faces, curled tails, loaf shaped bodies, and excessive snorting. Pugs are adored by many due to the "it's so ugly that its cute" effect. Pugs are affectionate creatures, but this is due to their lack of intelligence. Their brains are not complex enough to exhibit discretion, therefore they are known as extremely affection creatures who will jump and hump on anything that moves. Annoying dogs.
My friend has a pug, and one time it took a poo on the coffee table in the living room! (No joke.)
by JukeJointJezebel April 19, 2008
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A girl with a face that resembles that of a pug.
I got off with a pug last night...
She's such a pug....
by hayley charles August 16, 2011
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Also meaning Pick up Gamers for those who played qwtf amoung other games in NZ. Pick up gamers seems to be more for the old school qwtf players in NZ.

Main description now is Pick up Game.
"Who wants a PUG? ill pick up some gamers"
by Gamgetta March 3, 2005
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