an American-born child of an immigrant
Oh, my older sister and I were born there but my younger siblings are popcorns. They got the good hospitals!
by UnderstandingJupiter December 10, 2019
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When you like alot of people and your just jumping around talking or flirting with them.basicly it means you have no clue who you want and your just POPCORNING around seeing who fits your needs
So hows your love life??are you popcorning around
by Assatopolis September 8, 2009
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Inserting kernels of uncooked popcorn into one's anus and using body heat to make them explode, thus feeling tremendous
look how uncomfortably he's sitting, i bet he's popcorning right now
by billy_wizz November 11, 2011
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Eating tons of corn, then shitting in your girlfriend's mouth.
"How was your date last night?" - Suzie
"It went well, but he popcorned me, that was unexpected." - Tara
by Bustin Jeiber October 3, 2010
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dayamm..lets go and watch sum popcorn tonite.
by cooyachris July 20, 2003
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a slang term for the microscopic bomb that is planted inside the duodenum (found near the stomach); It is usually comsumed unbeknownst to the target. It is detonated by remote.
Han: Don't you cross me
Vo: Why not?
Han: Did you forget about the popcorn?
Vo: But I don't eat popcorn.
Han: You did. And it wasn't that kind of popcorn.
by Sophamassica May 18, 2008
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