Pop music- n. Music that is, as the name suggests, popular among music listeners. Pop(ular) music can be anything really, dance, hip hop, rock, etc. Pop music also varies from country to country, and can be considered to vary even in different areas (what's popular in Midland, Texas may not be as popular in London, for instance...heck, they may even be the same sometimes, who knows). Popular music is not really a genre, but rather any kind of music that is spinning round and round the minds of consumers.
Elvis was popular in his time, so were the Beatles, Nirvana, COUNTLESS folk acts, and well, you get the idea. Popular music is just a term used to designate whats hot on the pulse of music. Just because a lot of people like something doesn't make it bad (not to say that I don't dislike some, if not a lot of pop music personally) because heck, maybe the collective consciousness can come up with some good ideas sometimes, eh? If you just listen to a band because it is not well known, or refuse to listen to a band because it is popular (God forbid you do both), then you are listening to music for all the wrong reasons, and should look into joining a secret club to satisfy your superficial desires to be "cool" because the cool folks just do whatever the heck they want, we dont care what the critics say, even if its good. Thats how cool we are. ;)
by The King of Californitopia December 28, 2005
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a genre of music, pop is short for popular, so it's basically "popular" music, pop music is aimed towards kids, tweens, teenagers, high school students, and young adults the beat and melodies of pop music is very simple, pop music nowadays has electronic music playing in the background and lyrics about the life of a teenage person
I'm listening to pop music right now.
by G1A2V3 March 27, 2018
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Contrary to popular belief (above) pop music is not short for Lollypop music but Popular music. Pop Music = Popular Music, basically rendering a lot of "alternative music" IE Nirvana, to be Pop, and a lot of rock music like the beatles (or nirvana) to not only be rock music, but also pop music. Sorry people.

"pop" is deemed to mean more than popular to record copanies, they see it as an actual type of music, a particular sound. A money-making sound. Don't confuse yourself thinking you dont like "pop" music though.
"I am Britney Spears, I sell records, I am a pop artist*"

(*please note if she referred to herself as an artist in my presence i would donkey punch her)

"Hi Im Jake Teblaauznikov, I am an overweight 30 year old Russian man. I make music inspired by Britney Spears, basically exactly the same to her music, but noones heard of me and noone buys my record, I am not a pop artist"
by xxoo May 15, 2003
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A genre of music that manipulates weak minded idiots who don't care much for music that they not only like a song just because it's stuck in their head from over repetition, but it's cool to be a dumb slut who does drugs, acts like a jackass, and repeats stupid lyric and dances that give people visual AIDS. It reuses alot of the same styles and structures and usually follows a formula, as it's written by the same 6 people who run the pop business , where the verse is irrelevant and the chorus has to be a high pitch catchy repetitive annoying tune to get stuck in your head so you'll feel the need to keep listening to it

again and again becausee you "like it" and cares more about the superficiality of the artists looks and sexuality rather than if they're actually talented.
Money making scam.
"What's Pop Music?"

"Here check this shit out"

Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang.

"What the fuck is that?"

by Intronautic January 19, 2019
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You guys are fucking idiots. Pop music isn't just the mass produced shit like Britney Spears or whatever (and to be fair, "Toxic" is a decent, catchy song, which is more than can be said for a lot of the shitty nu-metal/emo bullshit you kids listen to). Pop music is really anything that pertains to conventional songwriting of verse-chorus-verse. It can be loud, sloppy, even dissonant at times, but if it follows the conventional song structure, it is, to a degree, pop music. Get over yourselves and realize that musicians like Brian Wilson and John Lennon wrote pop music and were more talented than any shitty teen-angsty garbage band you douche bags listen to.
Metal, nu-metal, "hardcore," emo, and what your probable interpretation of punk is (derivative bullshit like Rancid) couldn't hold a candle to a great pop song -- and probably write really bad pop songs anyway.
by :-* October 19, 2004
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A type of really shitty music that all other music lovers hate.
1: Country music listeners, rockers, and hiphop listeners all hate eachother, but they all agree that pop music is the shittiest thing that anyone could listen to.
by skull-choker February 11, 2022
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utter trash and a weak excuse of music and people who claim its good can and will be killed on site
person 1: I was taking out the trash

person 2: you mean pop music

person 1: no pop music is good
person 2 standing over a grave: what a shame
by god bitch October 4, 2021
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