my peen is very long
by MC Boonge August 14, 2003
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An appliance or compartment which is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern PEENs generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be condensed back to liquid outside the PEEN.
Bob; Yo broski, I see you installed a new PEEN into your kitchen!
Chad; Yeah homeboy, look how large it is! It's going to be super useful for storing food!
by DontDoKids_DoDrugs March 6, 2020
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When a womens clitoris is longer than two inches.
Jhon : "Dude Jennifer is hot ."
Jason:"Nah man i heard she has a peen.''
by tckeller50 November 26, 2017
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A term referred to a moment of complete coincidence between two people. When two people each say the same thing at the same time by accident, or discover something in common between themselves, a moment of peen has occurred.
Alex: Did you see SNL?
Justin: Yeah it was great!
Alex and Justin at the same time: "...In a van down by the river!"
Alex: ahhh! peeeeen!
Justin: Peen!!


Alex: My favorite band is Weezer!
Justin: Oh my god, me too!
Alex and Justin: Peen!!
by justin April 28, 2004
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