A man with a homophobic past but a homosexual future, usually caught blowing guys behind the local mcdonalds for cheese burgers
“He is a total mathew pearson
“Did you see that mathew pearson behind the mcdonalds?”
by Scuma luma May 4, 2022
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The religion of (1)having a twin sister. (2)your sister has a really annoying voice and says cheesy jokes (3)gets yelled at by mr. miller a lot. (4)also see margaretism.
by Conquistador April 30, 2005
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Adj (discriptev, usualy of a male) Verry Hot, Generally smart. abnormaly good at video games. has the bigest penis you have ever seen.
Girl one: Oh my gosh that guy looks so pearson right now
Girl two: he's got straight A's too
by A's all day's March 2, 2023
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This guy can lead a flock of cows like nobody's business, and he can also lead a herd of worms like it nothing. Hes a natural worm farmer obviously and he has won the tree climbing contest 69 years and running.
Guy 1: did u see that guy flock up all the Galapagos.
Guy 2: he must of been pearson
by Mike ox large October 10, 2020
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That dumb thing that you most likely do in school
Dude: How was the assignment on Pearson?
Me: Awful
by WorldEntertainment January 19, 2020
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Has a chode
Pearson showed me his chode
by FML PEARSON September 19, 2018
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