Any autistic looking kid passing by.

Comes from an obscure line from the Dubbed Funimation version of the popular anime Crayon Shin Chan. The line was uttered by Kazama(Georgie Prescott III) and Nene(Penny Milfer)
1) *Jeff sees an autistic kid walking like he's drunk*
Jeff: Look at Parry Hotter go.

2) Georgie: Hey, Penny! What book is that?
Penny: Here
*Shows the book*
Georgie: Parry Hotter? What a friggin ripoff! He doesn't even look like a real wizard!
Penny: That's cuz he's not! He's an autistic kid who got sent to England cuz he shot his brother.
by DoodooMan November 7, 2007
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a cracked up town where drug addicts live. the schools are dumb asf. so many fights. hot bitches. bad bitches. and hurt bitches. snakes are everywhere here. no one fucks around in this town. so be careful.
by dreams.are.dead June 4, 2018
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When a person (often a whore) uses their beef curtains to paraglide.
That cunt was so loose, she could use her flaps to go Parry Gliding!
by Rude Boy Bass July 1, 2013
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A bloody awesome person at first sight, and then becomes random whilst dropping iPods in toilets.
Person 1: I'm good.
Person 2: I'M GREAT!
Kathryn Parry: I dropped my iPod in the toilet.
by BlackFace1 December 3, 2011
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An epic internet singer. He is known for singing funny songs and also known as Devin Townsend.

Devin Townsend is also known to reside in Daly City, CA but was originally from Canada.
Parry Grip=Devin Townsend
by Neon Pegasus December 6, 2018
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When you get a blowjob from a MILF while on the lazy river at your favorite water park.
John: Bro, I just got a Dirty Parris from Stacy's mom!

Sean: Siiiiick dude, can I hop on for dirty seconds?
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Female equivalnet to cock block.

To obstruct a female from having sex iwth someone.
I was all set to score with that cute blonde but Porche put the pussy parry on me.
by Comedy Fiend April 20, 2010
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