On Facebook, when one person's comment is liked by another person, whose responding comment is then liked by the original commenter.

Can be used for many reasons, the most common being:
1. Self-absorption
2. Eagerness to appear as though one has a private joke with someone else
3. Desire to publicly proclaim the good standing of a relationship to the world (whether true or false).
Vanessa: Wow, I can't believe Brit-brit and Jen-jen are so self-absorbed that they keep parallel liking everything!

Angie: Yeah, especially since they had that big fight yesterday...everyone knows they don't really get along anymore.
by korotoumou February 1, 2011
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When two men lay their penses on top of one another and stroke them at the same time.
Wow, that parallel parking job last night really hit the spot.
by Gusty_Aeroplane August 25, 2019
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June was in a bad mood: she wanted some parallel parking with Alec, but he had a headache.
by Dunky Oggins November 10, 2003
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when 2 straight angels (180 degrees) are the exact same distance apart from eachother at all points thus making the 2 angles parallel
^^^^^these 2 angles are parallel angles
by cchhaall March 22, 2007
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Getting parallel parked is the ultimate L.

When you parallel park someone in a debate or argument they are left speachless and wanting to end it all for being so fucking smooth-brained because just like driving, they failed hard at parallel parking their electric hybrid solar neutron star powered smart car.
"Hey did you see that interview with Jordan Peterson and Cathy Newman? She got her Top-Romen hair parallel parked"
by Moldy Turnips June 30, 2021
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The government broke its own laws and violated your rights. But fuck you, bro, nothing you can do about it. You going to jail.
Cop: We didn't have reasonable grounds to stop and search.

Prosecutor: Get up to date man! No problem! I'll just use a parallel construction.
by mrdobolino December 8, 2016
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Another message individuals express by means of the tonality, volume, pitch, or pacing they use while expressing the main message. It can support, compliment, refute, deny, or even contradict the main message.
When the girl said, "You're welcome" in a tone which said, "You're not fucking welcomed you fucking idiot," I knew something was up. To understand parallel messages say any word in the opposite intonation of what it means. Say "beautiful" while making a face of disgust. Say "ugly" as if you were saying "beautiful."
by but for October 25, 2017
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