The Coolest person i know
i love myself because i am pj
Hi Pj How Are u??
IM God Go away
by Ananonamys November 18, 2003
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Kickass, sexy, owner of all. Master of Noy.
"PJ, almighty god, let us live"
by PJx5x September 20, 2004
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-Yo you see girl over there?

-Yea I saw her earlier. Gave me a PJ when she walked by

by JW14 April 14, 2009
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A bald nerd with trauma and mommy issues.
PJ is a bald nerd
by Mrwurldwide May 25, 2021
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Abbreviation for pussy juice that you can use in public, and everyone but your homies will be none the wiser!
"OMG, PJ does not wash off... I had a little bit left on my hand last night, and when I went to scratch my nose I was like 'DAMN, HOMIE!'"
by Pedro Jones July 2, 2005
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PJ has unearthed a host of unreleased tracks and special surprises from its vaults for a reissue of its 1991 debut album, “Ten.”
by cheers101 December 15, 2008
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A pocket job or "pj" is when a female/male puts there hand in theres or someone else's pocket that has a hole in it and starts to masturbate the lucky person.
Danial:"Hay! wait tonys is standing ryght here."
Cecilia: "Shut up and enjoy the PJ!"
Tony: "Danial why you making that face you ok."
by Sunday 05 February 14, 2008
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