Lacking in substance; vacuous, inane.

A reference to wine tasting - where all the substance is in the scent of the bouquet, but nothing in the wine itself.
"I find this author's writing to be too on the nose".
by CharlieBean July 23, 2008
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The nose is the name for the awkward bulge on every pair of pants where the zipper is. Though it appears to be an erect dick it is actually just the fabric.
I just saw noah's girlfriend picking his nose.
Haha I Gotcha Nose!!(while grabbing a friends nose)
by zxmark February 2, 2010
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A slang term for a gun used in a crime or gang setting
Check out this nose
by Fuzzysheets812 May 25, 2019
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the big thing on your face that never stops growing
Greg kepkas big, gressy, zit covered nose
by Ryan Schreiber May 22, 2003
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1. that thing in the middle of your face

2. slang for a crush or boyfriend

3. you can tell the size of a man's male anatomy by the size and propotion's of his nose
Ewww blow your nose

He is my nose

OMG I love Nick he has the biggest nose i've ever seen
by Girlwithallthefacts October 9, 2006
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a thing that can smell grose things or good!!
by Poopy1 April 18, 2003
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the act of putting your nose in a girls vagina and then going in and out with it and in the end you then blow it to imitate a climax.
Tim: hey hear about Declan last night?

Wesley: yea man I heard he has a threesome with Liz and Melanie

Tim: heard I heard he was noseing both of them all night.
by ThatLOLman November 26, 2012
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