Man, I've really got to call Vanessa and ask her for my noony snacks!

Did anyone see me playing Dolphin Olympics 2 while me and Tonya had noony snacks?
by MDAWGBIZZARE April 29, 2011
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Is a Rodent Species, most commonly the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) commonly found in Canada, England and South Africa among other countries. These rodents migrates from one region to another and is known to carry a disease called SocioEconomicoDisruptus(SED)- Level 3. This disease is not generally passed from rodent to human in the infested region, however has been. SED-Level 3 is known to strongly produce a human-like behavior known as Sociopathic Dysfunction. Some Symptoms of this human-like behavior are as follows.
Superficial charm
Apparent lack of remorse or empathy; inability to care about hurting natives
Narcissism, elevated self-appraisal or a sense of extreme entitlement
Tendency to violate the boundaries and "rights" of others
Disruptive and Aggressive, sometimes violent behavior; prone to causing fights
Rodents with SEDof antisocial personality disorder often experience difficulties with authority figures.
The Noonie Mouse is now reported to infest Countries like the Cayman Islands and many other regions where 'Pest Control' is minimal.
by Acero April 18, 2009
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Pensacola, FL slang used to call someone a bitch and/or thot at the same time. More commonly used to describe a female of the loose and turnt out variety.
Ole girl been actin like a noonie lately, ima have to leave her lil turnt out ahh alone
by Gregory42069 July 28, 2023
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Ma'am, please cover your noonie, there are children.
I'm sweating my noonies off!
by ChuckDNoodle May 17, 2019
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Being so drunk that you can't stand or speak
"After all of that fireball, I was so noonied I ate old Taco Bell I found under my car seat"
by Redheadedbitch November 25, 2014
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Nooni- a magical word that can be whatever you make it. Instead of using the word, let the word use you.
1. She’s the most beautiful girl ever. She is so nooni.

2. Nooni this dick -Dane
by eebusnation June 22, 2021
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