THE CHRONOLOGY OF NECKBEARD HITLER, PART ONE: The Rap Game's third billionaire after Dr Dre and MCX. Legend has it that Neckbeard Hitler once destroyed the next big thing in rap, Yung Nonce in a rap battle and and Yung Nonce had to flee to the inner depths of the Amazon Jungle to escape the shame. However, this cannot be confirmed as Neckbeard Hitler has not left his room since. The only one who has access to his room, nicknamed the 'kingdom of NH and his Waifu =^_^=' is his mother, a long suffering woman whose soulmate (and father to Neckbeard Hitler) was shanked by a now well known rapper. This is why Neckbeard Hitler aspires to save the rap game, to avenge his deadbeat dad who left for a pack of cigarettes when Neckbeard Hitler was 14, just after he dropped out of school to play COD. Back then he rarely left his room, still much better than today, and his mother did not have the heart to tell him his father had left for greener pastures (by greener pastures, I mean a woman who did not smell like the skip bin at the back of a fish market. She maintains it is genetic, but no one has ever seen her purchase even a bar of soap, a trait she seemed to pass down on to her son)
Person one: 'I hear that 'Genocide the Furries is predicted to be the hottest album drop of 2019, who's it by?
Person two: 'Neckbeard Hitler, but don't say his name too loud, legend has it that he has a 200 kilometre hearing range'
by captain stiffy February 5, 2019
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THE CHRONOLOGY OF NECKBEARD HITLER, PART 2: After she learned the news of his slaying, she felt too guilty not to tell Neckbeard Hitler, so she informed him of the terrible news. He, for only the third time in his life, felt empathy for a human being (the first time being when some feminist he pays half his centrelink money too explained to him the oppression of when a man accidentally rubbed up against her on a busy city train, and the second was when his body pillow ripped, which technically doesn't count as a human, but if you say that to Neckbeard Hitler, you'll be lucky to escape alive). He tried to hang himself, because he was going through that 14 year old edgelord phase, but there was no rope that would fit around his already scabbily bearded neck and 10 chins. Being the genius that he is, he attempted it anyway to no success. But then Neckbeard Hitler had a thought. One that would change the path of the collective human history forever. He decided to start rapping. He was going to become a rapper to absolutely obliterate his father's killer. He found Yung Nonce online on /b/ and decided to battle him in a war of words, a war from which Yung Nonce would never recover.
Person one: 'I hear that 'Genocide the Furries is predicted to be the hottest album drop of 2019, who's it by? Person two: 'Neckbeard Hitler, but don't say his name too loud, legend has it that he has a 200 kilometre hearing range'
by captain stiffy February 5, 2019
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The term 'neckbeard' goes beyond any gender. You may see the average female neckbeard with scraggly long hair to her butt. The hair will be dull and dead from never bathing it, or from frequently dying it. She will have greesy, 2 month overdue roots. She doesn't wear makeup and has a superiority complex about it. Cheap corsets, anime t-shirts, batman merch, and outdated jeans that drag on the ground. Probably has an infected looking eyebrow or lip piercing. Wants a guy who looks like Benedict Cumberbatch or Tom Hiddleston but complains that men are so shallow and only like those fake pretty girls; why can't they just see her for her personality. Social Justice Warrior. Usually wears the stupid jackie-cadet hats that everyone hates from 2002.

Laughes at jokes that only 4th graders would like.
"God, is there a word for a female neckbeard? Because thats what Brittany is."
"I know, she smells like cheese and low tide. I wish she would bathe."
by Kaylathewathful January 4, 2017
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The ability to be charming and smooth with a large vocabulary while typing, yet stumble over one's own words while speaking in real life.
Neckbeard Syndrome Sufferer: Yes, she's an excellent actress. I enjoyed her in (movie), her role was well-played.

(Real Life)

Neckbeard Syndrome Sufferer: Yeah, she's, uh.. I liked that movie where she played as the chick with the hat.
by Konig_Theory August 3, 2011
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Similar to a murder of crows, a group of neckbeards is a "m'lady."
"Um, actually," chimed the m'lady of neckbeards in response to misinformation, "we are wearing trilby's, not fedoras."
by Enix Luceous July 10, 2023
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THE CHRONOLOGY OF NECKBEARD HITLER, PART 3 (FINAL PART): Battle after battle he provoked, and battle after battle he won, until he met his match. When on the now defunct music sharing platform Allihoopa, Neckbeard Hitler stumbled across a piece of true music, titled 'LetMeTalk 2.0' by a mysterious rapper named MCX. He had finally met his match. MCX's pure lyricism inspired him to make songs of his own, not just using his powers in rap battles. Due to his favourite Anime cosplayer being eaten alive by a furry who legitimately believed he was a tiger, Neckbeard Hitler developed a furious, burning hate for furries. LetMeTalk 2.0 inspired him to rap about his true feelings, explaining the title of his upcoming album which will drop later this year, 'Genocide the Furries', which may or may not include an MCX feature. Neckbeard Hitler is an enigma to us all. We do not know his real name, some even believe he was assigned the name at birth. All that we can say is that one day, information on his father's killer will come to light, and Neckbeard Hitler will have the opportunity to partake in the most prestigious rap battle the rap game will ever have.
Person one: 'I hear that 'Genocide the Furries is predicted to be the hottest album drop of 2019, who's it by? Person two: 'Neckbeard Hitler, but don't say his name too loud, legend has it that he has a 200 kilometre hearing range'
by captain stiffy February 5, 2019
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When one employs the well-intentioned albeit condescending misogynism of a neckbeard by mistake, often through a misunderstanding that occurs through timing or coincidence.
Woke guy #1: Just left rehearsal for Fiddler on the Roof and still had my fedora on. Went to fix it as this woman walked by me, and I'm pretty sure she thought I was tipping my hat to her.

Woke guy #2: Man, what an accidental neckbeardism. Bet you just want to die.
by InTheKitchenCookingActualPies February 5, 2019
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