The term old people (over 40) use to describe the art of macking out. mostly because they are still caught in the olden dayes and they are not all up with the new trends.
mom: "ok you kids have fun and no necking while your at the movie"
by susan February 20, 2005
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Celtic Punk band from 'County Holloway', North London. Led by former member of Shane MacGowan's group 'The Popes' Leeson O'Keeffe. Albums include 'Necked' and 'Sod 'em and Begorrah'.
by anonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn February 22, 2008
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Abbreviated form of Ass Neck. A person who is acting in a way that is not cool or socially acceptable.
Dude, check out Freakin' Bill double dipping the hot sauce, what a flippin' A-Neck.
by Hooly Kitty January 23, 2007
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Henry Rollins, spoken-word artist and singer for Rollins Band. Also used to sing for pioneer punk band, Black Flag.
the man has no neck!!! just look at him!
by aiden diabhal January 15, 2004
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this particular definition for the word "neck" is commonly used among the youth when someone says, does, or thinks of something stupid and therefore must be punished by slapping them in the back of their necks'. however, you can trap someone into a neck if, and only if, you hold the circle, "OK", or white power hand-sign just below your waist and the neck-ee happens to look at the hand-sign. there are two ways to avoid having to get necked by an unsuspecting predator, such as when you say "five-ten" before the neck-er necks you to dismiss the attack, or when you say "self-serve" before the attack giving you the ability neck yourself which will probably be gentler than what the neck-ee is capable of.
example one~

a: ``man i hope they clean up all that garbage in the specific ocean.``
b: ``nigga did you just say `specific ocean`? dassa neck``
a: ``FIVE-TEN!``
b: ``fuck, man. don't think i won't get on ur ass later though``
by GamexFool October 28, 2019
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Also could mean shes giving you oral sex
Bro she gave me neck
by Nelly♀ February 20, 2017
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Neck is a term used when you trick someone. This is because when you trick someone really well, you grab the back of their neck.
Ava: I’m pregnant

Dahlia: OMG! Abortion?

Ava: neck! *grabs back of neck*
Dahlia to Nessa: I necked Ava so good today!!
by ILoveGabiAlatte February 27, 2019
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