A nice and amazing person you would be lucky if you are friends with Nathaniel because he puts your stuff in front of his. Also you would love hanging out with Nathaniel because he always buys his friends things and never gets mad. He's also super cute even though he doesn't know it. He's also a very emotional person and gets sad easily. He's also very sporty so he's very strong.
GIRL: look at that guy over there he's so nice

GIRL: yeah that's nathaniel
by Natey_ July 1, 2017
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A skinny, usually smart kid, who is psychotic.
Mom: Nathaniel, where are you?
by Psychos! March 2, 2020
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Something that you should never call a kid named Nathan. Ever.
Person 1: What’s up Nathaniel!
Nathan: What did you just call me?
Person 1: That’s right. Nathaniel.
Nathan: ...You’re lucky I’m late for class, otherwise you woulda been a dead man. Now get outta my face.
by nlolhere October 25, 2020
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The most caring and most loving person out there. I love him so much
by May ku November 22, 2021
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Nathaniel is an amazing guy. He is so kind and love able. You can always count on him to make you laugh. He is good at cheering people up. Every girl wants him. He is amazing on so many different levels. He constantly makes you smile. He likes to have fun and mess around. He is always a good friend and he will is always be there for you. He will do anything for you if you are special. He is a cute and caring person. He is amazing in every way. You are very lucky if you have a Nathaniel.
"Dang you are so lucky to have a Nathaniel"
"I want a Nathaniel in my life"
by ALR<3 May 2, 2017
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Nathaniel is a sweet and caring guy. Very loyal to his friends and loved ones, he is a dedicated and funny person. He tends to joke around a lot and has the cutest laugh. Nathaniel has amazing crystal blue eyes which reel you in and let you lose yourself. He is a ginger with amazing athletic ability, great at volleyball, basketball and soccer. Nathaniel can be quite awkward however are always up for some silly statements or old jokes. If you make eye contact with a Nathaniel, he is bound to smile his signature smile and cause you to blush madly. You will find yourself smiling at nothing when he crosses your mind and would do anything to get to know him better.
You: "H-Hey Nathaniel..."
Nathaniel: "Oh hey Y/N!" He smiles.
You: You look down and blush, biting your lip softly.
Nathaniel: He chuckles softly and walks over to his friends.
by A Crazy Pigeon January 25, 2016
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