The coolest(and only) girlfriend I've ever have and would ever want, she's super smart and is a bootyful thick latina college girl. She has a temper and is sassy at many times but you'd never want to give her up, let her down or desert her.

P.S. If you're reading this my little bb you should totally marry me.
Oh Nathalie you mean that one pretty girl on campus?
by super random guy September 1, 2022
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A beautiful girl with a big heart. Always happy, always has a smile on her face. She’s short and sweet, but can be fiery at times. She’s very shy which makes others think she’s a bitch, but once you get to know her she’ll be your best friend. She loves her friends and family. She has a great ass and great attitude. If you’ve ever dated her you know how chill she is, she’s not one to be over possessive and gives you your own space because she wants the same too. If you ever get a Nathalie, hold on to her. She’s a rare gem.
Me: did you see Nathalie’s ass?
Ben: yeah dude it’s niceee
by Ghost5790 November 23, 2021
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(n) a globally renowned name, with a silent H, that usually belongs to a woman with unique features and complex character. Friends call her Nat, boyfriends call her Natty, but lovers call her Natty Ice. Nathalies are creative beings but logic driven. They are tan skinned with dark eyes and a laugh that warms your soul. Nathalies are volatile and live recklessly when no one is looking but otherwise appear to be disciplined and self-composed. They are wildly passionate lovers and they’ll make sure you never forget them.
Man 1: what is that gorgeous creature?
Man 2: it’s a Nathalie with an H
by bugsbuni808 May 9, 2022
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Thinking that you are "woke" just because you share political posts on your instagram story, yet you live a privileged life without doing anything about it.
-Bruh why are you posting all that on your ig-story
-Idk, I think I might have Nathalie Syndrome
by Oliver462 May 29, 2020
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Thinking that you are "woke" just because you share political posts on your Instagram Story. Yet, you still live a privileged life without doing anything to prevent the issues.
-Yo, why are you always posting political shit that you don't even give a fuck about?
-I do give a fuck!
-Bruh, you have the Nathalie Syndrome
by Oliver462 May 29, 2020
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a bitch who got a big coochie
“am i supposed to get horny off of this or something” yea nathaly got a big purrr
by bigblrdd26 April 22, 2021
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