A cute girl. Is a tomboy and loves to hang with the guys. Is a laughable, Loveable person. Doesnt hang with the girls too much, they are all spazzes, sluts, whores, etc.etc. Is your average girl.
Melanie is awsome. <3
by xMelaniex July 11, 2008
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Melanie is that stubborn girl who has to have her way so people think she's a brat. She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it but she has a lot of love in her heart. When he bought her a drink and called her his wife she knew she would marry that man. She pinned a poppy on her chest and gave him a kiss and he asked her for her hand. They fell in love and she said "I do" and Melanie loves that man.
She always gets what she wants like some Melanie
He's got that Melanie look of love in his eyes.
by MSBS April 11, 2013
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ok ok Melanie is the best person ever, let’s just get that straight. She is known for having brown hair. She is sooo gorgeous and beautiful all the girls are jealous while all the guys fall for her, she pretends like she doesnt notice but she does.shes a huge flirt like she’ll tease with you and play hard to get but In the end we all know she’s to good for you anyways. She’s a friend that will always look after you even when you didn’t have her back. and when she gets mad you better watch your back because she will destroy YOU!! she notices the smallest things that no one will notice. and she’s HILARIOUS !! at first she shy but once you get to know her she’s the craziest person you’ll meet!! Melanie is also the type of girl that will fall for guys with animals! If you have a dog, she’s in! Just remember this NEVER brake a trust with Melanie because once it’s broken theirs no turning back. If you argue with her just know she’s right your wrong end of story.
Ryan: “Yo did you see that new hot chick at school”

Jack:”no but that’s got to be a MELANIE
by Litttyyy.j March 31, 2018
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1.) synonymous with awesome.

2.) a person, place or thing that is awesome.
Wow, that song is so melanie!
by josefina_chica December 24, 2009
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Melanie is usually a very outspoken person who is very well known. She is nice but knows when its time to get serious, is very smart and pretty usually looks bomb 25/8. Has a wonderful personality and has a great sense of style. Most likely has every boy drooling, and every girl hating.
Melanie looked like a whole meal.......PERIOD
by Ml15 October 20, 2018
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1. a girl that is hot, smart, funny, pretty, and generally just amazing to be around!

2. FOXY!

3. The best girlfriend in the whole world.
by footballman92 October 3, 2010
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Melanie's are the best girls you'll meet!Melanie's are usually talented and may be a bit flirty Melanie's can have there corky moments and sad moments but you can resist
by FartBucket.com January 30, 2017
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