The hot girls at McDonald's that have the perfect ass.
"Wow, DUDE! Look at them ass mcnuggets! I'm bout to get me 10 piece and dip it in my ranch!"
by NippleNOJBBk April 5, 2018
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The absolute epidemy of retardery used as a slang such as bitch, pussy, or hoe.
Judy: Dad youre such a fucking cunt McNugget .
Father: MOTHER FUCKER! (grabs belt while mother tries to hold him back unsuccessfully)
Dad: (turning to mother and Judy) GET IN YOUR FUCKING CLOSET NOW!
by Drexmann April 7, 2013
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An obese woman that chooses to be that way through over-indulgence.
Look at the cow with the 3 Big Macs. What a Rita McNugget.
by Stephen McDonnell February 9, 2006
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when your girlfriend eats chicken nuggets from mcdonalds and then has a shit later that day then you decide to give her sixty nine then a small shit piece from the crack of her arse she just so happened to miss falls onto your face and rolls into your mouth yum yum!!!
fat bastard guy: "wow man did you have mcdonalds today"
guy with shit on face: "no man my girl did and i gave her 69 and i had a poocrumb fall in my mouth"
fat bastard guy: "oh dude harsh you got a mcnugget munch man"
by anal*smear July 25, 2008
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