A form of drug slang that is used in Turks and Caicos ( northern carribean nation) Always involves two people one for the "call" (person that asks if tourist wants "Mac n' Cheese") usually some form of wanna be in the lower part of the gang so the dealer can make a run for it.

Origin: unknown i was asked while vacationing in Turks and Caicos then later asked a bar tender of the meaning.
"Hey girl, you wanna come over here and get some Mac n' Cheese"

by Michael FDTM August 18, 2006
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When you’re absolutely livid and feel impulsive as hell, get a bunch of people (or summon some chill demons, your pick) get a bunch of Mac and cheese supplies, make a lot of Mac and cheese, and eat it while blasting music. My chemical romance or tom jones’s what’s new pussycat is a good choice. If you enjoy the Mac and cheese alone, it becomes a low point in your life. Don’t make it a low point.
Heyyy, are you free later?”
No, sorry, I’m having a Mac and cheese party with the demons in my basement, it’s going to be great”
by Why can’t I not be anxious?? October 26, 2019
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Pregame Mac and cheese is the act of having a whack off sesh before your football/baseball/soccer game. Mostly preformed by males, but can rarely be done by females. This calms you and prepares you too kick some ass. 3Hunna
My Pregame Mac and cheese was unreal before I got here, now I'm ready to play
by The Doe Coach T November 16, 2015
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I buried my face in that mac and cheese afro and all I could taste was fish.
by Not-gonna-tellya April 22, 2005
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This can occur during coitus when a large forceful ejaculation floods an already wet ass pussy causing both fluids to expel just like a sneeze.
When me and my girl both came at the same time during sex she blew a mac n cheese sneeze out.
by Tony Stromboli April 4, 2023
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