1. Refering to someone as a sucker.

2. Being sweet (not in a good way)
You must be a lollipop if your gunna let her treat you like that!

that dude is a lollipop
by The highest of the high February 21, 2010
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Eating food from a fork that is too large to eat in one mouth full.
Max, stop lollipopping your roast potatoes!
by Max's Dad! December 18, 2017
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a ladiez vag or a mans dong
oi sexy let me lick ur lollipop
by becca April 13, 2005
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Also lolipop.

A genre of music related to pop. Characterized by adults, usually women, singing in a slightly childish way. Erin McCarley and Lenka are examples of lollipop musicians. Some of Katy Perry's songs, such as "Waking Up in Vegas" also have a lollipop sound.

The name derives from the music being a cutesy, sweet version of pop. May also be written as lolipop, in which case it is short for "lolita pop". Lolita fashion is a trend in Japan characterized by adults, usually women, dressing like children, typically with a Victorian style. Types include "sweet lolita" and "gothic lolita". Just as lolita fashion involves adults dressing like children, lolita pop involves adults singing like children.
Are you listening to a bunch of nine year olds singing?
Nah, it's just lollipop.
by gingitsune23 October 13, 2009
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noun: a lollipop shaped like LOL.
or: adj. to say,"OMG that is so awesome!"
adj: Fred: dude that guy died
Bill: LOLlipop!!!

noun: I would like a LOLlipop.
by mrwhipplecharmin April 15, 2010
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lollipop - is similar to the term "pollylop"
northern english slang for sexy girl

"oi lollipop"
oi lollipop!

shes a lollipop
by Raoulx August 3, 2006
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Trump voter who cluelessly voted against their own self interest because they bought into the sweet lies he told them.
Cleetus is such a lollipop. He lost his healthcare and his job when Trump pushed to repeal Obamacare and Toyota cut his job at the Kentucky plant because they can't get parts from their Mexico plant. He still wears that stupid MAGA hat though though.
by Dikfer2 April 16, 2017
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