This stands for: Laughing at you.
This is used in msn text.
Douche: Hey man, i think i just sharted.
Bag: Hahahaha! lay!
by Finlay2 June 11, 2007
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another name for decent outfit,cool clothes,

i got a lay on!

thats a lay!

you got a lay on!
by rizz215 April 7, 2009
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Laying down as referred to in the past-tense.
I layed down this morning.
by The Danny July 15, 2006
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A blonde girl's idea of getting "laid" despite the fact of having a Master's Degree.
Lina thinks we all should get layed.
by PincheBob January 29, 2016
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One who is socially inept, awkward around women, and is never going to get laid.

Often can be used as a verb when warning someone not to act like a LAI.

(Dont LAI that shit)

example 1

Bob: Dude, did you see that LAI get slapped by that stripper?

Bill: Why, what did he do?

Bob: He tried to choke her during his lapdance so she had to beat his ass off of her.

Bill: I told him not to LAI that shit!

example 2

Tom: Hey, what took you so damn long to meet up?

Dick: I had to go pick up Jason but he was late coming out of his room.

Tom: What the fuck was he doing?

Dick: You know him. He always has to rub one out before leaving the house.

Tom: What a fucking LAI!
by B.Diddy August 14, 2007
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Your telling a group of people or someone who is hyped about something/someone to calm down, its not that serious or relax.
Joe: Son, im really gone to fight that dude.
Adam: You need to chill lay lay with all that.
by Kanndy June 9, 2007
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