A mispronunciation of Kim Jong-Il, usually resulting from a font where the uppercase I and lowercase L are identical making the "il" look like the Roman numeral II. Surprisingly not yet used by Bush, although it's only a matter of time.
Kim Jong the Second is a North Korean dictator with a bad haircut.
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A crazy commie bastard who speaks not so good english
Kim Jong Il: Awww Hans. You're breakin my balls Hans, you're breaking my balls!
by Crush31 November 14, 2005
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Kim Jong Un is the dictator of North Korea. Critics have given him the nickname get-slim Kim. This is a criticism of his need for international food assistance.
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is busy bringing the sexy back into mass torture.
by MultiFest September 18, 2017
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the double chin bitch who’s in charge of north korea
1-“hey did you hear about this faggot over in north korea.”

2-“ oh you mean kim jong un.”

1-“yeah that’s the one!”
by dr. daddy drake November 26, 2018
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Guy 1 (listening to the Elton John song "rocket man"

Guy 2: that's the Kim Jong un song!

Guy 1: what?

Guy 2: Kim Jong un threatened to nuke us again, he is such a rocket man!
by STEPMOMPINGASRRR January 5, 2018
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The first vegetable North Korea has produced in 69 years.
Bruh #1: Bruh, my poops are like clay.
Bruh #2: Bruh, you need to eat a Kim Jong Un.
Bruh #3 whomst nobody likes: Bruhs, I hear that’s really fatty and bad for the world.
by Dirty Lurch April 26, 2020
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