One of the best, sauciest, love stories of the 21st century. Makes William Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet” look like a production put on by 7 year olds.
Person 1: yo have you seen gnomeo and Juliet yet! That blue gnome is a straight up foo
Person 2: heck yeah I’ve seen it. It taught me what love is
by gnomeo and Juliet lover November 29, 2019
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Juliet Joslin is the wife of sex god Julian Casablancas, lead singer of The Strokes. Their marriage sparked aggression and depression in many a fan, as they questioned why Julian didn't, in fact, marry someone much more attractive like themselves. The sickening similarities between their names, mimicking perfection, and the SEX GOD marries common band manager idea are just some of the contributions resulting in fans being pushed over the edge, making her possibly the most hated celebrity spouse of today.
Oh my god, i hate Juliet Joslin, i thought Julian was going to marry ME!
by SophXxx August 13, 2006
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A dumb story that you are forced to read during freshman year or at some point in high school. It is about two sexually aroused teenagers who want to fuck after knowing each other for an hour. They both die in the end oops.
Y'all have to read romeo and juliet this year. Rest in peace.
by mcnuggetdestroyer January 4, 2018
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The act of getting a blow job from your co-pilot while flying an airplane!
Captain Kincaid was flying a Boeing 737 from San Diego to Denver. While en route, his smoking hot co-pilot leaned over the throttle and gave him a warm, juicy Bravo Juliet. He came shortly before touching down on runway 34L.
by Captain Kincaid December 10, 2010
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A story about two horny teenagers who want to get married and fuck as soon as they meet each other. Reading it is a torture to all middle/high school kids.
Balcony Scene of Romeo and Juliet:
Romeo: Oh Juliet Thou breasts are so big
Juliet: Thy know! Don't thou love them exploding out of thy dress.
by Boblovesbananas127 November 8, 2010
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A kick ass best freind. She will always be there for you no matter what. She's a strong woman, and very pretty. Usually short. Brown hair with blue eyes. Doesn't let anyone mess with her friends. Not a slut, but can be pictured as a stripper cause she's so hot. Often goes by the name "Juliet" and has a fucked up family. Everyone needs a Tara-Juliet in their life, cause they're crazy as hell but very fun!

Warning: Very perverted.
Daaammnn, that girl Tara-Juliet is FINNEE.
by lckgngrk March 4, 2011
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A tragedy written by William Shakespeare in the late 1500's about two star-crossed lovers. Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are the main characters who come from feuding households. They meet at a Capulet party and fall in love almost immediately. But their love is forbidden to be because of the family feud. So sets the basis for the plot and, ultimately, the tragedy. The story takes these two through twists of drama and pain as they struggle to find peace in a world where there is only hate. READ IT! IT's GOOD!!!
Romeo and Juliet famous quote:

My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
-Romeo and Juliet act 1 scene 5.
by MyRomeo...<3 July 6, 2009
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