to gain access to something that is locked, especially without permission.
"The door won't open. I will try to jimmy the lock."
by jimmyj1640 February 3, 2010
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Another word for dick (often confused with jimmy-hat meanin condom)
i slippedd my jimmy in her pussy.
by Jo Joe Jose August 1, 2005
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Jimmi can be used in the place of any of the following words:

sexy, crazy, hot, explosion, fuck, sneeze, sex, amazing, unbelievable.

When used in a sentence it must be capitalized and followed by an orgasm of some kind.

"Wow, that was so Jimmi!"

"That's so fucking Jimmi..."

"Damn, that's Jimmi."
by Jimmi Baez February 7, 2008
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a person (usually male) who has a passion for shitty cars and craves boost bars, but is too much of a tightass to pay for either
by anonanonanon965849 August 23, 2009
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To back pedal for a fly ball, resulting in not making the catch and making a complete fool of yourself!
by shtoopen April 19, 2008
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verb; To be run into, knocked down or tripped 'accidentally' by an individual with no regards for their, your or anyone elses' well being. Typically the person has no idea they just assaulted another and will continue on their way as if nothing happened.
I was just walking down the street when some asshole jimmied me into a telephone pole. The worst part is they just kept walking like nothing happened.
by SteveIsGay June 8, 2010
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