b e a u t i f u l
Janny Yu, I just want you to know, that you're my favorite girl..
by muahaha January 2, 2004
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over stuffing your mouth with food in a disgusting manner.
Oh wow! They just pulled a janny..
by -=D December 30, 2004
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A Jannie Schippert is a girl who is otherwise known as a "hoe extrordinaire. Jannie Schippert's sleep around with anything with a pulse. Yes that means animals. A Jannie Schippert may not know what they are untill told, and may remain in denial for months. If you find one don't turnher over to counsleing, find the closest pimp to get her to work.
Guy #1: Dang! I heard that girl slept with Greag and Darnell last night.

Guy #2: Yea, yea, I also heard she slept with Darnell's gerbil.

Guy #1: She's definitely a Jannie Schippert!
by BigBlackBro May 1, 2009
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A bitch that talks shit on people and is a amy fujioka wannabe who also needs to get a life.
by haterz gon' hatez April 19, 2011
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a meal for a hard working bricklayer after a hard days work created by Jan Colwell from bognor regis
I'm starving i hope ive got janny burgers for tea when I get home
by mr cod March 5, 2022
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He is fit asf and I would do him anyday!🤤🤤
Jannie is fit asf yanno!
by Suck_my_arse July 29, 2019
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one amazing independent woman, she believes in herself, she loves and cares to those people she's close to, she's always kind and a fun person you could vibe with. she's also gorgeous and unique. and if she loves you then you are lucky. but my jannie is more than that and worth more than anything. so don't lose your jannie because I wouldn't like to lose this one.
you're friends with jannie? yesss she's hella chill
lets buy jannie a present what does she like? everything she's not rude about it
by isitbecause February 4, 2021
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