A disease that one can be diagnosed with having if they exhibit the following behaviors:

1:persistent laziness, the lack of effort to do anything.

2:freeloading off tax-payers via welfare, medicare, etc.

3:constantly making excuses for not doing things they are supposed to be doing.

4:selling/ trading food stamps for drugs/ alcohol or cash to buy drugs/ alcohol.
Dude that guy has a bad case of indianitis, I heard he lets people use his food stamp card for pills.
by MMuir January 27, 2011
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1) there's the hardworking kind who come from India
2) then there's the lazy kind, also known as Native Americans
or Injins
1) Man, my boss worked me hard like an Indian today.
2) I fucked the dog at work today like an indian.
by Loudog6969 January 11, 2007
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A Patel or someone with a really long name.
Owns gas stations or other businesses. Dominates Medical fields, Engineering field, and education competitions. They are smart.
Patel: Hi I noticed your indian, my name is raj and I'm also indian
Indian not named Patel: Nice meeting you, my name is Krishnarao Pothuraju, what are your grades?
by TJPot November 29, 2011
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You are more in to the culture and tradition of India.
After my recent visit to India, I feel more indianated man.
by Anna7 April 13, 2019
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