An amazing gorgeous girl. Attracts all the boys and is up for anything
Who's that girl you were with she seems cool

That's Hope
by Bobbiedododdo February 17, 2016
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A knowledge that, even though we may feel is impossible, something great beyond words will happen. Sometimes, a search and knowledge that there will be Light in a Darkened time.
An unmarried couple is split apart for 18 weeks. They Hope for the day when they reunite.

GOD is HOPE in a darkened world.

by thefallenrising August 20, 2008
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Shortened version of the word "Hopefully"
Hopely we get there soon or my buttles going to explode!
by gayve May 23, 2007
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When all is lost. You have lost everything. You are down and depressed and buried under ground mentally. The word that keeps you going "HOPE". Always hope for better things. Many people have told me hope can drive you insane...they can think what they want. I have found if you stay strong inside, you can get through anything.
A perfect example would be The Shawshank Redemption. Throughout, Red says Hope is terrible. It can make you insane. But Andy shows him in the end, as he escapes even though he has been through hell. He had hope in his heart during the darkest of times.

"Remember, HOPE is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies"
by Dappa34 August 4, 2005
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Hope isn’t a common girl. She is one of the most intelligent kids in the class. And the most gorgeous. Her clothing is pretty girly, but once there’s no one, it becomes boy-ish khaki pants, jeans, or shorts and a t-shirt. She’s been through some real messed up stuff, but she likes to keep things positive. She once threatened someone who teased her! Overall though, she’s nice and lovely. The teachers love her and so do the class. You will regret leaving her.
Kid: What happened to you?
Kid 2: Hope had just lovestruck me...
Kid: Oh, dude that happens to everyone.
by One that knows.. April 3, 2019
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The opposite of despair. Something that Nagito Komaeda likes. It’s part of danganronpa. The good side
Hope will always win against despair.
by Urban.dictionary.master November 23, 2019
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