A lifestyle that includes the original four elements: DJing, MCing, B-Boying (i.e. breakdancing), and graffiti art. Fasion is also often considered an important aspect of the life"
"When you talk about rap, you talk about an DJ and an MC. When you talk about hip-hop, you talk about the way you live"
by presto March 18, 2003
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Is in trouble.

Save Hip-hop. Not Hip-Pop.
Hip-hop is NOT dead. It is Hip-Pop (i.e. P-fucking-Diddy) that is ruining hip-hop. Maybe NaS was exposed to the mainstream rap industry too long and felt that he needed to make an album titled "Hip-Hop is Dead". The best is underground and concious(i.e. Boot Camp Clik, 9th Wonder, RZA, Hieroglyphics, The Roots). Not D4L, Mike Jones, Lil' Wayne (some one kill him) or any of these embarrassments!
by twistedbabydoll August 18, 2007
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The performances of
3.Graffiti Art
6.Street Fashion
7.Street Language
8.Street Knowledge
9.Street Entrepreneurialism

It is what we call ourselves and our activity in the world. "Hip Hop" is the name of our culture.

Therefore, no matter who you are... if you are involved in one of these elements, YES... YOU ARE HIP HOP! No matter what you do on the side... hustle, cheat, scam, pimp, lie, etc.. those people are Hip Hop too.
Yes son... I am Hip Hop!
by Meta 4 March 10, 2007
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a parenthesis ended by Dr. Dre's 2001 album...
anything after is crap, sadly, even from the rappers who contributed to its rising...
dumbass: you heard the latest (insert some whack wannabe rapper's name, like Lil Jon) ?
me: yeah, i should sue him for damaging my ears, it's the worst shit i ever heard since the previous song that was on the radio.

dumbass: man, what you talkin' 'bout, it's some bomb ass hip hop !
me: shut the fuck up, you don't know shit. you can call it "shit hop", "hip pop", or just call it crap... hip hop is dead. don't insult hip hop, fool ! Tupac will come out of his grave and beat the shit out of you if he hears that.
by Your homie October 24, 2006
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Hip-hop, as a whole, is the revolutionary way of observing the world around you. Without a doubt, hip-hop is an objective way of persceiving the actions of those both abroad and at home, and transferring the way you feel about them into one of the many creativities. Since the dawn of Afrika Bombata, hip-hop has taken the streets of natinos everywhere by storm, but unfortunately, and to my personal dismay, little microphone bitches like Lil Jon and Gay Unit have taken over mainstream rap, giving a bad name to emcee's and spoken word poets everywhere. A few things recognizable to hip-hop:

-most commonly the spoken word that rhymes, has a sick beat, and hits the body and soul with powerful meaning. I.E. Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Jedi Mind Tricks, Canibus, and Immortal Technique

-Graffiti, while also considered an art of the hip-hop regime, has become globally renowned world wide.

-Breakdancing has unfortunately become a dying form of self-expression.

-DJing is probably the most important aspect of underground hip-hop musicianship, because, hey what bitch ever rhymed without a bomb beat? Now this goes to say that any emcee who can go crazy acapella deserves props but not an amount of respecting matching beated musicians.

-Beat boxing is undoubtably the most intriguing of all the hip-hop arts. Musicians of the beat-box genre make noises and sing both alone and toghether making beats that sound like drums and other funky noises. This is probably the most mysterious of the hip-hop arts.

-Slam poetry is personally one of my favorite aspects of Hip-hop culture. With both rhyme and intelligence, emcees of slam poetry spit lines directed at problems today and those directly connected to the emcee themselves.

These are just a few of the aspects on the hip-hop ballot. Make sure never to listen to G-Unit, eminem, dr dre, lil jon, chingy, nelly, jay z's new shit, or any of that bullshit insult to hip hop.

check out some talib or some hieroglyphics. Big ups...

-zion i
-Talib Kweli
-Mos Def
-Black Star (Talib and Mighty Mos)
-Gotan Project
-Guerilla Republic
-Aesop Rock
-Dilated Peoples
-Jedi Mind Tricks
-Haiku d'etat
-Freestyle Fellowship
-Immortal Technique
-Binary Star
and many others...
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Real ghetto music that is now being tarnished by gangsta-rap wankstas.
by some black guy July 3, 2003
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Hip Hop refers to the African American music genre and the culture which surrounded it. Its time of birth was gradual, making it difficult to name a specific year. Most sources agree on early to mid 1970's.
The music its self evolved from earlier and other 1970's black American muisic, such as Disco, Funk and Jazz.
This music paired with certain Jamaican cultures led to the use of MC's talking over the music at live shows, which would later progress into what is now known as rapping.
Other important elements to the culture include grafiti, dance (b-boys) and especially Dj'ing. Early Hip Hop music was made by a DJ using his turntables, mixer and records. The arts of cutting and mixing were used to sample parts of records to create a whole new track.
In todays sense, Hip Hop has developed huge mainstreem success, and Gangsta Rap has become less about the music and more about comercialism, making money and 'pimpin bitches.'
There is, however a large underground Hip Hop following, which vows to stay true to Hip Hop. Madlib being a prime example of a true Hip Hop artist.
"Hip Hop, don't stop"
by Josh G August 23, 2006
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