1) The act of swinging legs or arms profusely.

2) Any one who does something awful.
by Hack McHackerson December 9, 2013
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A crap person, in particular a celebrity whose work is crap.
Jerry Bruckheimer is a hack.
by YeOldeJeremy May 29, 2005
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Every guy I know named Hack turned out to be OK.
by dictionary April 9, 2003
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the act of getting high and drunk or drunk and high.
YO! what you doing tonight?
(friend) man im bouta go get hacked with the nikkas.we got some lokos and some dank bud.
by MR_TIPSY January 23, 2011
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The thing faggots post on friends facebook when they accidently stay logged on
"Hacked by your bestie!!!!1"
"Dude, dont be a faggot."
by salsaverde May 27, 2012
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A hacker is someone specialised with computers, they don't even have to know how to hack (though alot do because they find security holes).

A cracker is someone who breaks into computers
Linus Torvalds is a great hacker

Kevin Mitwick was a great cracker
by ReVoLT March 21, 2005
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Making weird status on someone who forgot to log off their facebook account
Girl: I just hacked his Facebook account!
Guy: Wow! When did you learned hacking?
Girl: I didn't. He just forgot to sign out after using my laptop.
Guy: ...
by Pyromania August 28, 2011
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