Word used as general greeting or sign of approval, usually followed by the word "durrrr". Origin: South Park, the conversations between Timmy and his severely handicapped turkey 'Gobbles'.

*door opens*




"... timmuh..."
by GobblesDURRR October 10, 2006
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The flabby skin underneath your chin.

"You have a big gobble mom!!"
by Shabibshabob April 12, 2007
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To stuff your face with food with out chewing or taking a breath, just inhaling it.
Amy: I think I'm going to get some left-over pie."

Daniel: "Woop, to late. Payton gobbled that that whole thing down an hour ago."

Amy: "...Danmm"
by nunyobussiness July 27, 2011
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Another word for Cool,Funky,Sick,Good
Me: Hi mate how are you?????
Mate: im Groovy
Me: Gobble
Mate: Deaf Gobble
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upon releasing a nice belch, up and down wiggling / waggling of the tongue, to create a turkey-like sound.

can be a seasonal belch, but always a 'hit' with the females!!, a sure winner in the pick-up bar!! -every smart man knows females LOVE a nice belch!!
i won over that spooky electric blond with a nice gobble gobble belch

the gobble gobble belch is the best for attracting females!!

jan: he could belch like a slob, but his gobble gobble belch was pure art!!, i took him home and provided a righteous tumble!!
by michael foolsley January 15, 2011
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1)A Giant Sensation of Fat Under-neath an individual's neck/chin. A Gobble fat sensation can also be known as a Double Chin. Gobbles are often found in obese people, old people,people with loose skin,ect.


2) A Word Haley & Taylor Call Eachother for fun even know it is a double chin
did you see that fat lady's gobble flying gracefully in the wind
by WordGOBBIES July 11, 2010
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