One who possesses unfratty traits, also known as a Skip. Key terms include: "chill out", "yeah", "dude", and "tootle"
Hey bro you are so GDI, I mean you haven't slayed in forever. Man you are such a skip.
by Scott Michael Jackson February 25, 2008
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"God Damn Independent" Someone who is not associated with groups or organizations, most commonly Fraternities or Sorrorities.
These people think that College should be for nothing and throw their life away because when they hit the job market they don't have anyone to pick them up at a high level of employment.
They usually dress like they shop at K-Mart and drive around in cars they can buy with a couple hundred dollars.
They eat at McDonalds and Burger King because they think it's actual food.
They stay up late studying because they don't know anyone who has taken the course and have no access to a Test Bank.
GDIs usually hate the Idea of "paying for friends" when in reality you are mutually investing with other members of the group in a lodge to meet, sick as rages, community service, and mixers with the opposite sex.
GDIs usually have a group of 20 friends maximum who are also GDIs and they all have no ambition and fail as a group.
GDIs are not self respecting, and usually don't try to better themselves at all except for "college".
They think the "college experience" includes studying hard and making passing grades, when the reality is that networking is essential to living a successful life.
Look at that GDI, he is fat, voted for Obama, and thinks he's the shit.

God, what a GDI, he tried asked if I was on scholarship, I told him that I had a trust fund and I was on PERMANENT scholarship.

GDIs, they're good Friday night, is a slow Tuesday Night
by Frattastic Fratdaddy October 6, 2010
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GDI-(God Damn Independent) is a person who chooses either to not affiliate themselves with Greek life, can't afford Greek life, can't get a bid, or was too much of a weakling to finish pledgeship. GDIs are usually of lower class and even lower standards, also GDIs despise Greeks out of jealousy.
GDIs are nasty animals colleges use pay for theirselves.
by Mr. Todd Finnigan Maxwell November 30, 2010
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Stands for God Damn Independent
Deriving from the latin word "gidiom" meaning stupid lame asshole who can't get girls and isn't allowed in any parties.

Definition: A non-impressive, ordinary person with no sense of style or social skills who was not fortunate enough to recieve a bid from a fraternity because they were not good enough. Instead of contributing to the college community, G.D.I.'s drive around in lifted trucks wearing affliction shirts and sweatpant shorts hating their lives and despising themselves for not being a better person and taking part in Greek Life.
"Fraternities are for gay guys man! I want to rage in my dorm and play World of Warcraft with my friends because im a gdi!"

"Dude people that don't live in frat houses still get girls bro! Trust me I get girls every night!"
by betaluvr November 9, 2011
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A superset of the so called "eggs," who don't even bother to join a fraternity of stature and consequence. Eggs suck, gdi's suck more.
My frat shorts are shorter than your frat shorts! gdi's think they have more friends than anyone in a 60 person fraternity. d-e-l-u-s-i-o-n-al
by The Bush May 5, 2006
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The loners not associated with greek life. Have parents who work as janitors, and who will one day become the bottom dwellers of society.

Can usually be found creeping the shit out of sorostitutes at frat parties, talking about their unsuccessful WOW raid the night prior.
Hurry quick GDI Old Navy is having a sale on cargo shorts!!
by TooFratastic December 3, 2010
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GDI, the site is down again.
by Excalibur0126 November 26, 2015
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