something that is attractive because it is denied to one (From the Garden of Eden in the bible.)
That website is my forbidden fruit.
by Light Joker May 31, 2005
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One of the greatest sci-fi films ever made. Holds up very well today even though it was made in 1956. Stars Leslie Nielsen, Walter Pidgeon and Ann Francis. Special effects by folks from Disney Studios. Introduced the amazing "Robby the Robot". Cool electronic music score. Joins "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and "The Thing from Another World" as the most enduring sci-fi movies from the 1950s.
The first time I saw "Forbidden Planet" I was ten years old and couldn't sleep for a week!

"Sorry, miss. I was giving myself an oil-job." - Robby

"The fool, the meddling idiot. As though his ape’s brain could contain the secrets of the Krell." - Dr. Morbius
by Apesbrain October 7, 2010
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son whys there a crusty musty ass sock under your bed
thats the forbidden sock
by forbidden sock October 21, 2021
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pubic hair,used in "barry trotter & the unnecessary sequel" by micheal gerber... where 2 female hogwash student chat about shaving the forbidden forest
Hogwash female 1:hav u shaved ur forbidden forest?
Hogwash female 2:My wat?
Hogwash female 1 pointed to Hogwash female 2's lap.
Hogwash female 2:Ooo... no... y?
by Abebil April 20, 2005
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The sexual act of engaging in anal sex while eating food off of the receiver's back.
The grapes tasted so much better eaten off of Jessie's back during the Forbidden Picnic last night.
by Optimus Prime 2.0 September 7, 2011
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The worst thing that can happen. Sadly, it hapens in many ways.
1)they will never love you back. Sad but oddly, easy to recover when you meet someone else. Usually resulting in you thinking "screw you your loss"
2)Society won't let you be together. This hasn't happened since Romeo and Juliette, so I'm not gonna explain it.
3)You love eachother but distance separates you. The worst one. The one I've personnally experianced myself. I lived on California coast, he lived in Reno nevada. We met at camp, loved eachother completly, but then camp was over.You turn into a mess for about 3weeks to a month. Then you think about them, but no more tears. You never fully recover, you just have to move on. Any love will destroy you, so just avoid it if possible.
1) Psh, whatever. I got someone better then you and it's your loss.So much for forbidden love
2)But...we can never be together, everyone forbids it
3)I miss you.
by chocolatelove22 April 19, 2009
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This is the common statement made by facist school administrators when attempting to control the sort of free information that is available to students, decide to rule their school with the black hand of facism.
Dude, that site is 403'ed. / 403 Forbidden? What the fuck? This school is facist!
by Miles Smith February 28, 2005
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