A unique trick in which alcohol is poured into an asshole. When a fart is imminent, a lighter or lit match is held near the anus. Everyone shouts "fire in the hole" as the expelled alcohol vapor briefly creates a ball of fire.
Man sticks his shaved ass in the air. Farts loudly. Puff of fire appears.

Everyone shouts, "Fire in the hole."
by sukebe November 19, 2006
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when a guy is letting someone know when they are going to bust.
by Gillman December 12, 2004
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When a man dunks his friendly penis inside a bucket of gasoline and stares deeply at the targeted anus of his partner. Soon after he ignites his penis into a sexual infernal, he thrusts it hard into his partners anus, while going in and out to try to put out the flame. In some country's, this is the highest level of sexual intercourse.
Brian: "hey Brad are you going to get it in tonight?"
Brad: "yeah brah Im going to majorly fire in the hole!"
Brian: "smart."
by Carl Blitzkrieg October 17, 2011
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a phrase you would scream, before taking an awesome hit from the bong.
bob- you want to spark that bong?
sue- Hell yea, fire in da hole!
by four2Ogirl November 1, 2011
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A ginger's butthole, the hair around said butthole is red, making it a fire in the hole
Boy: Yo Taylor's got a fire in the hole!
Other Boy: Damn! Why doesn't she shave that?
by sassykitty94 February 24, 2012
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The act of putting a lighted match up ones 'hole' and farting.
I just had a fire in the hole and burned my hand off!
by Kung-Fu Jesus June 15, 2004
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V/N: The act of gaping someone or somethings anus and then proceeding to pour gasoline into the rectum and dropping in a match.
"Man, I can't believe that Felicia is still walking after Derrick gave her a Fire In The Hole."
"I'm Firing In The Hole of Robyn tomorrow."
by NateDog619 May 16, 2008
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