A guy who would fuck any girl just because he thinks its fun he will get a girl pregnant and not even give a fuck about her or the child does drugs and worse
Anthony ferns over there he fucked me so hard and just left me and now I'm pregnant and alone
by Taylor-hepburn January 30, 2018
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a fern you give to a person you consider a friend.
if by chance they decide to...diss, punch, hit, kick, rape, harass, molest, fuck, drown, burn, cheat on, fall in love, ruin photos, become a slut, kill animals, KILL IT, or become sexually active...you have every right to TAKE BACK YOUR FERN.
Oh hey bob, were friends right?
FRIENSHIP = OFF. i want my friendship fern back!
by FINEDONTBEYOURMOM January 13, 2011
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A person with multiple diet restrictions, such gluten intolerance, nut allergies, poor methylation, lactose intolerance, etc., or who have adopted severely restricted diets, such as the Whole 30, the Keto Diet, the Paleo Diet, locavore diet, or other prescriptive eating plans. Origin: "Air ferns" are dead and dried hydrozoans that were popularized in the 1970s as low-maintenance house plants that required no food or water, only air.
It's impossible to plan a holiday dinner with all of the air ferns in my family; I can't cook a single dish that everyone can eat.
by AyKayAK March 23, 2018
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The hack to rule all hacks. A super hack used only by extreme n00bs. When applied, the Fern Hack enables the player to do almost anything, including aiming, shooting, and most importantly, lying in prone. Use at your own risk.
Dude! Did you see that guy!?!?! Watch this Kill Cam...he's totally using the Fern Hack!
by MooreMania September 8, 2012
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Felix is a goth child

Also a monster with arms that come from its back and clap
by Hsosbeho May 17, 2020
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Pure awesomeness, everything great in the world.
Kind heart, strong minded. Not selfish and very caring.

loving and funny.

everyone loves him/her.

Very very attractive and everyone would love to go out with him/her.

Someone who loves adventures, laughs all the time and loves to help people, doesn't matter how much he's/she's hurting.
You're such a fern poop, I love it.

You should be more like fern poop.

I'm gonna fern poop it so people will love me.
by Totoro1206 August 1, 2011
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A Dirty Fern is a young women completely obsessed with the male Penis, she literally cannot get enough and will often have statues and ornaments to satisfy her insatiable appetite for cock if she does not have the real thing at hand.
I Rogered this chick last night, she was amazing and total Dirty Fern!

Girl “I cant wait to see you tonight I’ve been thinking bout that dick all day!”
Guy “OMG You are such a Dirty Fern!”
by FatThor August 21, 2019
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