When your friend is visibly too drunk to be allowed into a club by a bouncer, you 'prop' him or her up, put their ID in their hands and tell them what to stay (without slurring!); albeit in a condescending tone.

Then, despite your best efforts - the idiot stuffs it up and STILL doesn't get in.

*See also: Puppet Entry*
"Billy was so trashed the other night, we tried a puppet entry but he STILL stuffed it up - Total Muppet Entry"
by Kevin Munro May 10, 2008
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A term that used to mean a job is supposed to be for people with no experience who are breaking into the respective industry.

Now it just means a job that pays jackshit but demands someone with mid or even senior levels of knowledge or experience.
"Entry-level job! We're looking for candidates to have 3-5 years of experience with a 4 year degree, do the job of 3 people! Paying $15/h"
by EverydayEverynight July 8, 2022
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The ultimate deepthroat; when you fuck a girl in the ass and your dick comes out of her mouth.
Sarah: "Hey girl, how was your night with Tommy?"
Tonya: "Oh it was alright... until he wanted me to

rear-entry-deepthroat him"
by Misty Stroker October 3, 2010
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An astronaut sent to space re-enters the atmosphere, returns home, and has sex with his/her partner.
Karen L. Nyberg and Douglas G. Hurley had re-entry sex after their re-entry into Earth's atmosphere in 2000.
by Frosty the Snowman January 20, 2013
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The pain and sting felt on the first day back at work after a vacation, dealing with enormous loads of calls, emails and paperwork that have piled up during your absence.
I wont be able to meet for lunch... i am so burning on re-entry here. I can't believe it was just yesterday we were sitting on the beach with our margaritas.
by afrodite May 18, 2010
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Is the act of not allowing a penis to go soft even though the person has ejaculated and has been outisde of the body for roughly 5 to 10 seconds only to them re-enter the person's same hole whilst still hard and continue having sex.
I pulled a quick re-entry on her she loved it.
by BrokenDragon December 7, 2015
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The massive, nearly lethal damage to America caused by the four-year trajectory of Donald Trump through the White House.
As projectiles go, he was neither sleek nor fast, but from first day to last he left a massive entry/exit wound in the psyche and body of American life. It would take years to heal, leaving a permanent scar.
by Monkey's Dad December 18, 2020
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