Two people who's love will never die. Two people who are made for each other. Friendship usually ends in love like Blake and Elyse.
by realtruth March 30, 2012
An intelligent and friendly girl, proved to having an awesome twin. She is very religious, but will eat your food when provoked.
by anne-eylse's twin November 30, 2011
(noun) two crazy kids that fuck up, get fucked over, + plain out fuck. <3. they be in love. see bad news
by ASHxCORExLYKExWOAHHH April 20, 2005
Cutest pastel goth person ever and has the cutest laugh. She loves fat ass she is a fatass herself and that's why everyone loves her and everyone wants to date her.
Elyse is the cutest person ever
by ElyseShawtyBae July 1, 2020