Elisa is a mysterious girl. She seems shy but if you get to know her better you'll know how she really is. She is kind but can sometimes be teasingly 'mean'. Eli doesn't have many friends, which is okay for her. She lost so many tho, and always thinks it's her fault (even if it isn't). She thinks, everyone hates her. When she hears laughing, all she thinks about is "Do they laugh about me? Is it my hair, my face or me in general?"
She also has dark, sad sides, which she keeps for herself in her mind. Elisa doesn't know, how to keep up with life anymore. She stays awake for a long time and cries herself to sleep. Sometimes she doesn't sleep at all...
Elisa is very sensitive and gets hurt easily. Her escape is music. When she feels sad, or just wants to take her mind of something, she goes on Spotify and puts on music of her fav band.
She would like to be in therapy, but is scared to open up to her mom, who calls her lazy even tho she just doesn't have motivation to live anymore and is fighting everyday.

To everyone, please keep her safe. You don't know how long she will live anymore. Treat her kindly and try to speak to her. She likes nice and kind conversations only with one person.
Person 1: "Hey, Elisa! I like your outfit."
Elisa: "Oh, thank you :D."
Person 1: "Do you want to spend time sometime? Like, just walking, looking at the stars and talking about things?"
Elisa: (In mind: Are they being serious? I would love to.) "Sure, when?"

by lovelyhehe:)) August 22, 2022
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Someone who is the complete opposite of awkward and is in desperate need of friends.
Who is that?
That’s Elisa, she’s weird.
by November 22, 2021
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Elisa is the most honest person ever and has her friends but also her enemies. just like hugo (that sits beside her can be a poo-dog-face-with-fake-abs-and- no-sence-of-humor -aka- an- asshole) can be so rude and can also be a butt face. alex (who is a wierdo can be very inapropriate like hugo) is also very rude. alyssa is my best friend so i cant be rude to her so shes really nice. so thats the elisa dictionnaire!!!!!!!!!!!
what a Elisa
by president chicken January 20, 2020
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She looks nice at first but she will become toxic over time , don’t tell her who you likes she’ll go after him/her 🤭🤫
Friend 1: Aren’t you dating Alex?

Friend 2:No I told Elisa I had liked him and he’s dating her now 😡
by .G.O.S.J.E.N.N.A March 5, 2020
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An alright french gal who is not funny but is good at psychology.
Ah that chick elisa: she can read you in a second but she dull as fuck.
by haggisxoxo March 30, 2017
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The cutest, funniest , most kind and loving person out there. This person is beautiful in every way and form.
She's such an elisa. I love it!
by Chelseafan148 February 19, 2017
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