When you put your fingers in your ladys thing, and then she grabs your forearm and moves it oup and down till climax...thats what Uncle Bobby G and Uncle VC aka Mr Wynn taught me...
you finger her, and she grabs your arm for up and down and in and out pleasure thats a reverse dutch rudder
by Steve Wynnss May 19, 2009
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When you sit on your left hand until it's numb, grab it with your right and reverse the grip of your left hand, then proceed to receive/give a Dutch Rudder.
Last night, Keith gave Randall a strange reverse Dutch Rudder. To nobody's surprise, they both enjoyed it!
by geocsusb June 16, 2009
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The REVERSE double dutch rudder is the process or action of two men facing away from each other, each with his right hand around his own penis, then they place their left hand on the elbow of their friends right elbow, then they simultaneously move the friends right elbow back/forth with their left hand causing the friend to masturbate.

Somewhat less gay than the double dutch rudder (when the men are facing each other), and worth it if you can perfect it.
Guy 1: Hey man, you up for some double dutch rudder action?
Guy 2: IDK, isn't that kind of gay?
Guy 1: True... how 'bout a REVERSE double dutch rudder?!
Guy 2: sounds good to me!
by CircleJerk001 March 11, 2011
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A sexual act involving two men. Man no. 1 grabs man no. 2's forearm, which is holding his own dick, and swings it in an anticlockwise motion so that man no. 2's dick is spinning like a skipping rope. Man no. 2, at an alternate sync, grabs no. 1's forearm and spins it anticlockwise from his own perspective, creating a double dutch movement. As this is happening, both men are attached at the neck by a rope. Both ends are knotted into slipknots and respectively placed around each man's throat. As the men lean away from eachother, the knots tighten and produce erotic asphyxiation. The act ends when both men cum, one passes out, or their dicks are too injured to continue.
Person: Yo, did you hear what happened to Matt and Liam? They tried to perform the Double Dutch Rudder of Death and ended up in the hospital with bruised dicks. Crazy shit, man.
by Hey Jamie November 25, 2019
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Interlock your manhood with both hands and have two lady friends on either sides working your arms for you. It very much helps if they stay in synch.
After the Xmas party at the Moose, Pam and Sharon gave me a double dutch rudder, causing me to paint the ceiling with a most powerfull release.
by Buckaru December 23, 2006
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When you and another guy go back to back and dutch rudder eachother, therefore it is totally not gay.
Me and Curtis totally Back to Back Dutch Rudder'd last night...it was hot.
by PomplemooseJones February 13, 2010
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