A beautiful, talented, girl who loves helping people in need. She is really good at basketball and is the Smartest In her class. Her soulmates name is Noah.
Everyone loves Desiree
by TRUST the guy March 23, 2021
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desiree is the most amazing girl, she is also the prettiest girl in the world, if anybody else thinks different, fuck you. - miguel.
by desiree’s boyfriend July 24, 2021
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Desiree is the coolest and cutest girl in the world. She is so sweet and is nice to everyone that she meets. Desiree is a very smart person but sometimes needs a push meeting her full potential. She gets all the guys and sometimes she takes advantage of how pretty she is. She is interesting and likes to make friends.
Desiree is amazing.
by October 29, 2021
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When a girl is getting her asshole fingered by a male, thinks she's about to climax, and then full out shits all over the man's hand.
Mac: "Bro, I was fingering my girl Hayle last night...guess what she did!?"

Nick: "Uh...did she desiree you?"

Mac: "YEA! She shit all over my hand bro!"
by BLAZNTIMBERWOLF October 7, 2012
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very hot attractive and chooses the best boy to date
man Desiree is so smart with her bfs
by coolieisthebest April 24, 2019
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Desiree is a French name. Usually blonde or brunette. Desiree’s are good ass moms & Hard workers

They also come with bigass hearts. Don’t get on their bad side bcuz they can turn savage ina quickness. Desiree’s are loyal. They play stupid at times but know wassup. Desiree’s are shy but I’m the bedroom is a freak!
Desiree’s are loyal and freaks in da sheets
by Qu33nIvY November 23, 2021
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Desiree is a Beautiful Young girl that seems to know what sex is at a young age. She has a lot of mental breakdowns. She is over dramatic but very funny! She’s probably the clown of the friend group! Mess with her friends she will show up at your house at 3:am she is nice and don’t leave her!!
Random person: ugh I’m so lonely

Desiree: uh no u not
Random person: yay I have a friend now
by Desiree 🥶🥵 December 9, 2019
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