A remark used when someone is clearly fishing for sympathy, but definitely don't deserve it. Taken from the song Minnie The Moocher by Cab Calloway.
Fish (On a person on somone they treated like shit that has passed away): "OMG can't believe you're gone I love you so much"

Me: Boo-dee-hoo-dee-hoo-dee-hoo!
by Cheerio...x January 12, 2015
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1. The name and/or title attributed to someone whose actions or inactions causes great loss.
Nekthral tried tanking golemagg in full wildheart. Dee-Tee-Dee.
by ludakrys April 23, 2006
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A member of Delta Tau Delta that reaffirms the stereotype of the douchiest frat on campus.
Hey, ook at that loud drunk guy in the pink polo; what a dee-tee-dee.
by dontfwithmeagain May 30, 2009
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Someone who thinks that Carlos Mencia is refering to mentally handicapped people, and writes it down as a definition in Urban Dictionary.
see any definition where dee de dee is used to describe a mentally handicapped person.
by Derek Depp November 8, 2006
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Something to say when you're either

a) Have nothing to say
b) Waiting on someone who is obviously taking too much time to respond
c) Bored

Dum dee dum is a different version of Dee dum dee
Person 1: Dee dum dee
Person 2: What?
Person 1: Nothing, just bored.
by Jokerfool09 January 6, 2011
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A word used when you completely forget what you were orginally talking about.
"Can you please pass that higgle-dee-piggle-dee thing over there?"
by maddyy27 September 21, 2009
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