fat bitch that is okay at times

only showers if it it 100% dark outside with cold ass water

is bad at uno in every way, shape, and form.

kind of looks like a sex offender at certain angles but its fine ig

very L O U D
dawson, you're cool but im still gonna yeet your book across the classroom
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A Dawson is an event that was worthy of the serie Dawson's Creek. Love triangle, cheating etc... involves people being really pissed and a lot of drama.
Guy 1 - Why do you always do Dawsons at parties?
Guy 2 - I had no other choice, his girlfriend was really into me.
by diab0li November 26, 2011
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An absolute beauty. A MONSTER in bed;). Such a beaut that he will buy you gifts in fortnite😍

P.S. he kinda quirky doe😳
Dawson is an ABSOLUTE BEAUT!
by SeeMacIsWhack2 July 26, 2019
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v. to consume alot of alcohol and jizz your pants while grinding with someone at a party or social event
Guy 1: dude why'd u stop grinding with her she was hot?

Guy 2: i dont know she just stopped and slapped me

Guy 1: (examining guy1's pants) Holy shit dude did you dawson?
by mtpirko December 28, 2010
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a boy who will break your heart into a million pierces and then act like nothing happened.
omg did you know to never date a boy named dawson!
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He has no dad
Dawson’s dad went to buy milk and never came back. He has no dad
by Dawson is a gay boy December 3, 2019
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